Kevin’s fundraiser for The Special Boat Service Association

Kevin's bike ride fundraiser for The Special Boat Service Association

Kevin tell’s us more about his fundraising effort…

“We all lead busy lives and often take our freedoms for granted. I’ve realised we can all do what we want when we want and if I’m honest I’ve never given it a second thought. Many of the freedoms we enjoy today are thanks to the efforts, sacrifices and duty of the members of our armed services, both past and present.

At the start of this year, I had a chance meeting with an inspiring individual who put his life on hold to help his son battle and ultimately overcome leukaemia. The good news is his son is well on his way to a full recovery this was when he shared with me and introduced me to his charitable work for the SBSA.”

The Special Boat Service Association Logo

“The Special Boat Service Association (SBSA) is a registered charity (Charity No. 1168876) that had never crossed my radar before. They provide discreet, timely welfare, physical, emotional, and financial support to serving and retired members of the Special Boat Service and their families when they face circumstances beyond their control. The SBSA makes a significant difference to those on the front line yet necessarily out of sight, ensuring they and their families will be cared for if the worst happens. This support extends to widows, their children, and veterans, many of whom face physical and psychological challenges long after their service has ended.”

Kevins Fundraising Route Through France

“This is why I’ve chosen to support the SBSA on my bike ride through France. Many charities do amazing work but often go unsung and with little fanfare. After my chance meeting, I wanted to give back to an organisation that deserves more recognition and that many people might not know about.

Over 13 days, I’ll be cycling an average of 80 miles a day from St Malo in northern France down to St Tropez on the French Riviera. Keep an eye on our social media for updates, photos, and messages from my supporters. With your help, I’m aiming to raise £10,000 for the SBSA.”

Kevins Fundraising Rides Itinerary

“Your support can make a real difference to the lives of these dedicated service members and their families doing challenging work and necessarily out of the eyes of the public. Please help me support the SBSA by donating to my Just Giving page:

With your help and my pedal power, we can make a significant impact.

Thank you for your support.”
